
Revision as of 2022-05-28 23:00

--- parent: ../Root_en title: OutlineText (lightweight markup language) date: 2020-05-06 tags: lightweight-markup-language children: Syntax_en --- ![OutlineText](CURRENT_DIR/Images/OutlineText.png) OutlineText is a __lightweight markup language__ that has been developed to __make the outline of a sentence easier to understand__ at the plain text stage. Unlike other lightweight markup languages (Markdown, AsciiDoc, ReStructuredText, ...), __the indentation represents the hierarchical structure of the text.__ This makes the hierarchical structure of the text easier to understand visually. To see an example of OutlineText, please check this web page. This web page is written entirely in OutlineText. You can check the plain text of OutlineText by clicking the `View the source code of this page` at the bottom right of the web page. **Do you want to try the syntax ?**\\ [Try This Page.](ROOT_URI/Client/OutlineText/outlinetext-editor.html) ===
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